"I know!" said Cat.
"We can play in the barn."
"Play what?" said Pig.
"We can play What Is It?" said Cat.
"I see something yellow," said Cat.
"What is it?"
Pig and Cow looked around.
"Is it hay?" said Pig.
"No, it is not hay," said Cat.
"Is it the light?" said Cow.
"No, it is not the light," said Cat.
"Is it the boot?" said Pig.
"Yes! It is the yellow boot!" said Cat.
"Now, Pig," said Cat.
"You say what you see!"
"I see something blue," said Pig.
"It is something new."
Cow and Cat looked around.
But they did not see anything.
"If you guess," said Pig,
"I will take you for a ride!"